As an akita owner I am HUGELY conflicted about this movie coming out. (I should say again -the original was made in Japan with english subtitles of which I have a copy) It looks like they did a beautiful job on it. I just worry that it will create a demand for them and they simply are not the dog for everyone. Akitas rescues are always full as it is. Check any of them out for yourself. (http://www.akitarescuewny.com/) The dog in the movie is stunning and I fear there will be morons out there looking to cash in on the movies popularity and begin back yard breeding ventures. (heck some probably already are sad to say) I just hope like hell they have something in the beginning of the movie stating something about the breed not being for everyone. I do TRY to be an optimist.
Another part of the issue is that people think breeds shown in movies will act like those movie dogs. Hmm a loose akita that isn't looking for stuff to chase, eat, dig up or fight with the neighbors dog just isn't always realistic. Oh and if that wasn't bad enough I think I saw something about how some of the puppies in the movie are actually shiba inu's. Another breed not for everyone. Yes they are cute but have a very high prey drive and can be hard to contain. (read keep in a fenced yard) I considered the breed once myself and decided they were way to much for me. They are also described as a big dog in a small body. (in case you were wondering) The live shiba puppy cam was bad enough.
There is also a myth in akita circles about them once being used as babysitters while the moms went into the rice patties to work. This has translated to some people as "Safe to leave alone with infants and toddlers". PLEASE do not do this with ANY dog!!! What it really means is that they are territorial and can be possessive of their space and things, including their family.
I repeat, they are not the dog for everyone. I LOVE the breed but this movie should not be viewed as an ad for this breed to become the must have dog in your home. Do not rush out and find a breeder, do some research first. Akitas can be wonderful dogs with TRAINING, proper SOCIALIZATION, and LOTS of time on the part of their new owner. And then you would need to find a breeder that does health testing of BOTH parents before breeding a litter. (finding a breeder is a whole nother post-search my site for more info on that) Don't say I didn't warn you.
Yes I will be going to see the movie. Perhaps taking some akita rescue posters and handouts to the movie theater about the breed may be in order as well. I suppose I should be happy they didn't portray them in a Cujo type movie instead. Then we would be fighting the against breed banning (or should I say more of it for akitas) and the ignorance of people thinking they were all aggressive horrible dogs. Unfortunately fame has it's price on any breed that is portrayed in movies in our society these days. Let's hope it isn't to high for our beautiful akitas.
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