الخميس، 18 يونيو 2009

Things that make me wonder

So for some reason Merial has gotten in bed with Cesar Millan. (think Frontline and Heartguard products) They are offering pin cards to clients at veterinary hospitals to go to a website and sign up to get sent a free DVD by him. Our clinic rep told me that it was just basic info like teaching sit and stuff like that. Nothing controversial. Well ..... call me crazy but I thought he wasn't a dog trainer? That's what he is always saying when people talk about his methods as part of his defense. I thought he was supposed to be a dog psychologist? So if he isn't a trainer, how is it that he has this (alleged) training video out? She also said we can NOT get a copy to preview and see what is on it before offering it to our clients so our clinic took a pass. No freebies if we can't see what we are promoting. I am going to speak with the other rep tomorrow to see what is up. Perhaps we will have more luck with him or get more info.
What I wanna know is what is Merial is getting out of it? I know what CM is getting, publicity. For the record I don't disagree with everything he says, I only disagree with some of his methods. Dogs DO need exercise, rules and love. They aren't people in fur coats. I just disagree with how he gets from point A to point B in accomplishing that end. I suppose I should look at it as a potential boost in my own business. I see plenty of people already that try his methods and then need help because they pushed their dog to far and it pushed back. I am really curious to see what is on that DVD. Hopefully I can borrow it from someone at some point if I can't get a copy though a rep.

I also heard that a local shelter in my area is working with a trainer that is slapping prong collars on every dog that is going through there. I REALLY hope that is an exaggeration. While I am not against prong collars on the right dog and used properly, I do not think they are a good "use it on every dog" kind of tool. It surprises me alot that this particular shelter would entertain that option. But I do not have confirmation of all the info I am hearing. When I heard about the Merial/CM link I hoped it was a rumor. I hope this is a rumor as well.
So my sister is on a trip which means I have Minos here for the week. He is doing pretty good so far. Thankfully she is a student of my mine when it comes to dogs so he is already crate trained. This helps immensely when it comes to bedtime and mealtimes. He is currently enjoying my dogs toybox and all the "new to him" choices available.

Having 4 dogs underfoot is always interesting. And as you can see he is quite entertaining. I anticipate much photo taking this week.

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