I got an update e-mail from Dash's owners tonight. Dash was the french bulldog we fostered for the French Bulldog Rescue Network. They attend a dog related Halloweeen event every year. Last year some of you may remember Dash was the scarecrow from the wizard of oz.
http://k-9solutionsdogtraininginc.blogspot.com/2007/11/bad-blogger-update-pics.html#linksThis year he went as a bumble bee. Isn't he adorable? (the answer is yes of course)
Here he is with his brother Ivan.
And here they are with their cousin Duncan.
We are thrilled he has such a great family. His mom Jess works at a vet clinic and also sent along this photo because she thought I might like it. (I do) A pug puppy with an irish wolfhound. Quite the size difference.
It is amazing the variety we have in dogs. Literally something for everyone.
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