Old age comes at different times for different breeds of dogs and different individual dogs. In general smaller breeds have a higher life expectancy than larger breeds. A strong, healthy dog will probably age later. Evidence also suggests that dogs that are spayed or neutered before six months of age ordinarily live longer than dogs that are kept intact.
Regular checkups are a must for older dogs. In addition to annual vaccinations and checkups, talk to your veterinarian about special geriatric screenings for your dog.
As your dog ages there are changes that you need to be aware of so that you can adapt their lifestyle to make their lives as happy and healthy as possible.
Metabolism slows down in the older dog. This means the dog requires less food to meet their lowered energy requirements. As a dog gets older they may also be less enthusiastic for pyhsical activities. Both of these factors can lead to weight gain in the older dog. It is very important to keep your dogs weight under control, as heart conditions, joint pain, and diabetes can all be influenced by obesity. You may need to alter the amount or type of food you are giving to your dog. There are some types of food specially formulated for the older dog. Discuss your dog’s feeding program with your local vet to be sure your dog is getting the proper nutrition for their age and activity level.

Eye Sight

Be sure to have your vet give a close look at your pet’s eyes especially after they reach 8 years of age.
Healthy Teeth and Gums

Kidney and Liver Function
Both functions decrease as your animal ages. Regular check-ups mean these conditions will be treated with medication and appropriate diet. Signs of possible liver or kidney disease could be vomiting, loss of appetite, excessive drinking and urination, and confusion.
Healthy Skin and Fur
The skin seems to lose its elasticity and becomes thinner as your dog ages. The skin is also more susceptible to infection in older pets, especially beneath those fur mats that form if grooming is lacking. Just like humans turn grey with age, more gray hairs appear as your dog ages. If the quality of your dog’s coat changes dramatically, consult your vet. Frequent brushing of the older pet is very important, plus they like the special attention.
With your special loving care and commitment, your dog can enjoy a quality life during these senior years.
Inevitably there will be a time when you have to cope with the decision to euthanize your well loved pet. Remember that if your pet is suffering, euthanasia is a final act of caring and love. You will meet again at Rainbow Bridge.
This is where i don't wanna stop actually, but it just sad enough to know that we'll have to part ways with our beloved dog that's always been there for us in happiness and sad... so just to remind you one last time, read out this health care for your older dogs carefully so that maybe, hopefully they could stay a little bit longer with us ^_^
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