الخميس، 9 يونيو 2011

Can you see it now?

Jack got a new collar today. Whadda ya think?

Yeah my husband thinks I am touched to buy him a fancy collar since it isn't exactly easy to see. But hey, he deserves new bling now and then to. Even if we can't see much of it. Here it is:

I got it at my favorite local pet boutique the Loyal Biscuit. It is the martingale "Punk Skulls" by Murphy & Gus. Slightly ironic given Jack's laid back nature. I just liked the "tattoo" look of the design.

I'm resisting going back for the matching leash. But at least that you would be able to see!

They are getting some new designs by another company I love in soon. I'm sure I'll be adding one (or two) of those to the collection as well. I'll keep you posted!

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