الأربعاء، 30 يونيو 2010
الثلاثاء، 29 يونيو 2010
Be prepared! Not just for boy scouts anymore.
8 Tips on keeping your dogs calm for the fireworks
And from Pet Connection this is a good look at why you should research your breeder BEFORE you buy that puppy.
Heartbreak ~ Where bad breeding meets poor judgement
It is also important to research the breed of dog you are considering adding to your family to make sure it is a good match. I typically recommend going to the rescue wesite for the breed you are considering. Rescues are usually much more forthcoming with the negatives of a breed than some breeders are. Remember, THEY love their breed and may not see the negatives of owning them. Love is blind after all!
الاثنين، 28 يونيو 2010
When bad stuff happens to good dogs
Yesterday after finishing with a client I checked my cell phone to see a message waiting for me. There had been an "incident" at the prison with the dogs. Apparently the leashes got tangled, treats were dropped, and a fight broke out between them. One dog was injured during the fight as well as a handler while breaking the dogs up.
Ahhh crap!
The leashes being tangled had made separating them quickly problematic and had probably contributed to the fight starting in the first place. I say this because treats on the floor or ground with both of them present had not been a problem in the past. And yes we had discussed how to properly break up a dog fight and resource guarding in dogs previously as well. Considering it was a big dog vs small dog fight things certainly could have been worse.
Fortunately the injury to the handler was a minor one and I received the call within 2o minutes of the incident. I was also luckily in the immediate area so I got there quickly. As soon as I saw Cooper I knew he needed to get to the vet. Of course this had to happen on a Sunday when everything is closed. A few phone calls later and we were on our way. (A big thank you to Dr. Yovino of Harbor Road Veterinary Hospital for coming in on his day off.)
The x-rays showed a clean break of both bones in his front right leg. Ouch! Poor guy! He had to spend the night in the veterinary hospital to get fixed up. So now Cooper is on bed rest and limited exercise for 6 to 8 weeks. He is sporting a splint that will need to be checked and changed weekly and re-x-rayd routinely. He is also on antibiotics and pain medication. (an nsaid) Thankfully they let him go back to the prison to be cared for by his handler. I could tell all of the handlers felt horrible that it happened.
I already had today off which meant I was available to handle everything fortunately. (we were short a Dr. at work so I wasn't needed) It is also good that Cooper is a dog that likes to do a lot of cuddling on the bed instead of racing around. This should make his recuperation easier on his handlers. He of course charmed everyone at the vet while there.
While at the vet I bought a Medipaw dog bootie for them to use. (not shown in the photo above) I HIGHLY recommend them for any dog in need of a waterproof covering for a splint. It happened to rain last night so keeping his splint dry was on my mind. A cheap splint covering can also be made out of old saline bags that you tape on the foot. (Tip - Plastic baggie coverings on splints should ONLY be on while the dog is outside on wet grass. Remove it once inside so the foot doesn't sweat. A wet bandage MUST be changed to prevent skin issues.)
Please send healing vibes Coopers way. Hopefully this incident doesn't affect our program in the future. It does mean Cooper will be with us longer and we now have unanticipated vet bills because of it. For anyone who wants to donate funds to help pay for his care, or to contribute to the cost of our training program, send checks to The Humane Society of Knox County. Write "For the K-9 Corrections program" or "For Coopers vet bills" on your donation. We would really appreciate any help. Thank you!
السبت، 26 يونيو 2010
A trip to the lake.
She swam a little bit and we quit there. The next step is to get her a life jacket. Pugs, and other top heavy muscled dogs, aren't really built for swimming more than a few strokes while supervised. The next step is to get her fetching her water toy in the water. We'll practice that on land a bunch first. She already likes it. My son came with us and caught her swim on video for me.
Now I'm not really training for Dock Dogs. It's just a lark. And a reason to have some fun at the lake. I'm sure with a motivated pug it can be done. I'm just not sure Jenny is that pug. But we'll have some fun trying.
الاثنين، 21 يونيو 2010
How To Get Dog Pee Spots Out Of Your Yard
Or is there?
الأحد، 20 يونيو 2010
An interesting book find

One of the reasons I am sharing this in a post is to let others who may have need for such a book know there is a book available on the subject. I have been perusing book stores for years and this is the first time I have seen it. The dog on the cover belongs to the author so it is written by someone who has gone though it with their own dog. It looks to be well written and includes lots of photos of many other dogs who have also had legs removed for various reasons. I'm not sure I'll be sitting down to read it though as my current que of books is already pretty long. At least I don't need to worry about the little voice in my head whispering "You should have bought it when you had the chance" should something happen to a dog I know. I do love to have good resources on hand ahead of time. Yeah I know, that sounds slightly paranoid. It's ok. I'm aware. We all have our baggage.
السبت، 19 يونيو 2010
Beware of mothers defending their babies
WARNING: This video starts cute but doesn't end cute. It shows a dog being hurt by a mother deer.
To me the dog in the video looks old. It doesn't seem to be able to move quickly to defend itself at all. Someone said they thought the dog was trying to show submissive body posture to the deer but I don't think so because it keeps trying to get up to get away. It is to bad that A) the dog didn't go faster to the owner when called and B) the dog wasn't on leash with a wild baby deer in the area. I also don't know why the owner didn't try to scare the deer away instead of just yelling. (But maybe there was a mobility issue on their part.) And why didn't the person videoing put DOWN the camera to help either? The cat gets lucky by being faster than the dog. (and you'll notice that a person DID stick up for the cat) I posted this in hopes it may help any future dog owners if they find themselves in a similar situation.
الخميس، 17 يونيو 2010
What's in a word
الأربعاء، 16 يونيو 2010
Jack goes to work
Walker was a bit intimidated at first and ran away from Jack in the beginning. That became a chase game. We tried to get them interested in tug but they weren't quite comfortable enough with each other for that just yet.
Every time I bring Jack with me I end up doing a fair amount of "Akita" education. There are always a lot of questions about him. He definitely attracts attention. I am lucky to have such a social akita. They aren't all so accepting of dogs they don't know. It is even written in the breed standard: "Akitas may be intolerant of other dogs, particularly of the same sex." Unfortunately some of that is leftover from their having been used in dog fighting for sport in their past. Sadly some breeders use that as an excuse for them being that way instead of trying to breed away from it. I remember complaining about it on an akita e-mail list (long ago when they were as popular as facebook) and was told, "If you want a Golden Retriever temperment then you should get a Golden Retriever. Akitas just aren't going to be like that." Here's an idea, breed AWAY from that sharper temperment. It is obviously possible. Heck they even did it with fox years ago. (google Russian Fox Study)
Of course I'm not a breeder, so perhaps the fact the breed doesn't have the largest gene pool doesn't help. (depending on who you talk to) I do think in todays society there is no place for purposely breeding dogs that want to kill other dogs. We all have to live on the same planet and in the same neighborhoods after all. End of rant. I am just happy to have an akita that is more social than some. Of course I worked hard to help him be that way with lots of good socialization when he was young. It's hard to say how much nature vs nurture is at play. Of course he is from a fabulous breeder so I'm willing to bet it was a combination of both.
Jack prefers to hang at home or run in the woods with his friends to the more formal obedience work that Jenny will do for hours. (Let's be honest, her stomach keeps her going.) But he sure does make a great partner when I need him to be. It's kinda nice being able to take your best friend to work with you. I love my job!
الاثنين، 14 يونيو 2010
Dock Dogs comes to Maine
This was Fenways very first Dock Dogs event. Not to shabby! Fenway was adopted from The Humane Society of Knox County.
Dogs of all sizes can participate. I was even told life jackets are allowed. (I think it may have been a hint!) Somehow I doubt I could get Jenny to jump in after a toy. Now if it were a nice juicy chicken carcass we might be in business. I think Jack might even pass on that. He's not exactly a fetcher and has a hard enough time getting down off our picnic table.
I only wish I got some video of the reluctant jumpers. Some of those were pretty fun to watch. The crowd was very supportive of them. There was much cheering them on. I took a lot of photos but in truth they all pretty much suck. But even a bad photo of Tessa is beautiful. I'd steal her but her owner knows where I live.
I brought Jenny with me. That turned out to be a mixed bag. She had moments of greatness, like meeting the enormous Great Dane and was nice to him, (around food!) and ignoring the terrier who wanted to kick her butt. She was patted by lots of kids in various stages of stickiness and most of the time ignored the other dogs. And then she had other moments of not so greatness. Once she noticed the dogs running on the dock she wanted to go chase them and was quite vocal about her intentions. To get uninterrupted video I resorted to tossing treats on the ground for her to sniff out. It worked. I'm not proud.
She looks so sweet and innocent doesn't she? I admit I did buy a tiny bumper. Who knows, I have a year to train before they come back. Wouldn't that be a hoot to see? It was a great event. Kudos to everyone who brought it here and did such a great job. I look forward to going again next year.
الأربعاء، 9 يونيو 2010
الثلاثاء، 8 يونيو 2010
The Top 8 Easiest Dog Breeds To Train

If you are looking for a dog or puppy and are wondering "What are the easiest dog breeds to train", then look no further. These aren't necessarily the smartest dogs, but the easiest dogs to train. Intelligence is not the only factor when determining if a dog is easy to train, you are also looking for an eagerness to please, and (believe it or not)a high energy level.
Here is the list of the top 8 easiest dogs to train, and a link to give you more information about the dog breed:
Border Collie
Doberman Pinscher
Labrador Retriever
Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Shepherd
Toy Poodles And Poodles
For further information on typical dog behavior, including resources for training how-to's and loads of detailed information on preventing and dealing with problem behaviors,visit Dog Training Dog Obedience Training
الأحد، 6 يونيو 2010
A Rally update

It depends
We also need to work with the dog they have. All dogs are individuals and we serve them best by remembering that. What may work for one dog in one home may not work for another. This is one reason I like doing the private sessions over group classes with people. Don't get me wrong, I think group classes are very valuable. You get to work with your dog around the distractions of other dogs and can also socialize them. (if allowed and appropriate) I send people to puppy classes in the area all the time. So many problems can be avoided later with the proper beginning.
It depends is also sometimes the answer to the question "Is this problem fixable?"
All problems may not be solvable within a specific context. If you have a dog that is not tolerant of other dogs in your home or you have a dog that bites people, yes you may be able to change their behavior. However many things come into play in those scenarios. Your lifestyle, and the time you have to address those issues. Not to mention the ability to manage the situation to keep everyone safe as we take the time to address the behavior. Not every dog belongs in every home. Sometimes it's simply a mismatch of energy levels. Fortunatly we have reputable breeders willing to take back dogs, shelters, and breed rescues that are available to help rehome the dogs when needed.
I think rescues (groups/shelters) are sometimes hard on owners who surrender dogs. In a job where you continually see people doing stupid stuff (throwing animals out ot moving cars and the like) is it hard not to become biased towards the human race. Do enough rescue work and you tend to start thinking most people suck. Not to mention how often rescue workers are lied to. When compassion fatigue sets in it is hard to stay positive. When I first became a trainer, from a rescue background, it was hard to admit that sometimes a dog just wasn't the right match for a home. But as a trainer it is easy to see that sometimes that is the case.
So if you ever ask trainer a question and want a good answer, be prepared to answer their follow up questions first. Keep in mind that very little is cut and dry in dog behavior. If it were there would certainly be far fewer books written on the subject! Just like the rest of life, adjustments need to be made for each situation. Why would we expect anything different in life with our dogs?
السبت، 5 يونيو 2010
K-9 Corrections update
The honeymoon is over. Three weeks to the day the handlers report that Walker is showing his true colors now. I warned them that might happen. When dogs go into a new place they tend to be a bit reserved as they learn the routine and get comfortable. Not that he is being bad, he is just showing more behaviors that need to be worked on. Things that probably got him brought back to the shelter (twice) in the first place. He is super smart though and fortunately a quick study. He will definitely need an owner who will set some good rules for him and exercise him regularly. It would be great if he had a doggy playmate too.
Here he is learning a trick. His end cue will be the word China. This way we can tell him "Dig to China" or "Who wants to visit China?" and he will start digging. (I heard about one dog who's cue was "Go to hell" but we thought that wasn't appropriate for our dog. VBG) This trick is from Disc 1 of the DVD "The magic of shaping" by Pamela Dennison.
Here is Walker and Cooper playing. You can see that Cooper is much more relaxed in this video than the last. Cooper is making strides and is finally working in his room away from Walker now. He could also benefit from a doggy playmate due to his increased confidence with another dog around. The tricky part might be finding an appropriate match due to his initial assertiveness. (which may be insecurity/defensive in nature) He will need a dog that is tolerant of that.
Coopers ears are looking great. When he came in they were mostly bald. The hair has grown back well. He has also gained a little weight and his coat is looking better. It's amazing what good care can do for a dog. I just wish we had more info about his past. We can only guess that we was neglected, based on his condition, but wonder why he was dumped at the shelter. (And I mean that literally, he was left in an outside pen to be discovered in the morning. At least he was let out of a car like Ben was though.) He was even happily wagging his tail which is a new behavior for him in that context. He will need a patient owner to bring him out of his shell. Overall I am pleased with his progress.
الجمعة، 4 يونيو 2010
We can see you