الثلاثاء، 29 ديسمبر 2009

The end of year vent post

I have a blog stalker.
But some of you already knew that. It is most of the time simply an annoyance. I try to not acknowledge that she is there but she is. She reads my blog regularly and likes to comment on occasion. (check out the last few post comments to see for yourself) Sometimes I let the comments through because it shows how she acts. Perhaps I shouldn't but she keeps accusing me of things so I find it is my only defense. Let everyone see the stuff she says to me and judge for themselves.
She even has a link to this blog on hers under "worrisome" so that others know what she thinks of me. A fact I find pretty funny since this gives people the opportunity to read about positive methods. (Thank you for this BTW!) But I am in good company there since she also thinks Jean Donaldson and Patricia McConnell PhD are also on the worrisome list. She also routinely attacks others in the positive training field as well. People like Dr. Ian Dunbar and Dr. Nicholas Dodman. You know, people who have no clue about dog behavior. (insert eye roll here)
I find it odd that she wastes her time attacking me. I am not in direct competition with her, we do not share an area at all. We don't even share training interests! (She shows in competition obedience, I do not nor is it my goal as I have admitted in past posts.) I guess being online makes is in the same area to her however. We do seem to use different methods in training from what I gather from her training posts and from videos I have watched with her doing e-collar training. (cringe-worthy in my opinion) I admit that there are many ways to train a dog. I've even used some of those methods in the past. She has accused me of "drinking the kool-aid of the positive reinforcement cult" in response to my thoughts on positive training vs the other methods. Guilty on that count I suppose, though I don't remember any Kool-Aid at our secret meetings. I'm sure it must be from the brain washing.
Guess what people, I prefer positive training. I don't keep it a secret. I try to explain why I like it and why people should use it over the alternative because NEWS FLASH, this is MY blog! It is where I get to talk about things I know and love. If you don't like these methods, or my thoughts, DON'T READ IT! I'm sure there are many other blogs you can find with like minded people out there. Go read them and jump on their wagon. Please. I'm sure they will enjoy your company. (unless they already gave you the boot too)
What I also find hard to understand is the need to tear me down at every turn. She accuses me of doing this to her but all my comments directed to her (on another blog-Maine Pets link found on right) were only in response to things she has said to me first. I simply made the mistake of disagreeing with her about the availability of dog training seminars in the area. (Seriously, that is what started the whole thing in October of 08, silly no? My kingdom for a time machine.) Sadly she got booted from that blog recently for her unprofessional conduct and all my proof in the form of those posts are now gone for the general public to find. She made it personal instead of simply disagreeing with the training methods and just keeps coming back at me.
She didn't just target me either, she also came after people who's blogs I read and comment on as well. (Sorry Katie!) Apparently anyone she disagrees with she likes to attack. There is no such thing as an adult dialogue with her where you agree to disagree. I know because in the beginning I tried. She is a master of twisting words and intentions.
I have to say this is seriously pissing me off.
And before she screams "libel" at me once again and threatens to sue me, again, I ask you to find just ONE reference to her by name on this blog. I even have a nice search option to help with that. Go ahead, look her up. You won't find it because it isn't there. Never happened. She shows herself with her comments to me instead.
As to her claim that I tear down other trainers, the only one I can think of is Cesar Millan who is a public figure and yes I disagree with him and his methods. I do not however, attack him personally, just the method he uses. See that part about this being MY blog?? Yup. My blog, my opinion. It lets me say what I want just like she does when she references other trainers (mostly negatively) on her other blog routinely. (Including myself who she HAS named as an example of a bad trainer. Hmm maybe I am the one who has cause for a libel suit??) The only other trainer I have referred to stayed anonymous as trainer X so I could get correct information out there in rebuttal to bad info being given out in the first place.
I do not name trainers nor tear them down. You know why? Because I believe in my methods and the training I do. I do not need to tear others down in order to look better. I am confident in the services I provide. Talking about others is so high school and unprofessional that it astounds me that someone who claims to be a professional in the business is doing it.
It also annoys me greatly that I am once again having to post about said blog stalker. I feel it is unprofessional for me to do. However I am determined to not simply roll over and take it any longer. This is however the very last time she-who-shall-not-be-named is ever referred to again. Her comments will all be blocked and NOT even read in the future. I do love my delete button. Wait, strike that. I may keep them for my files so I have proof of the idiocy if ever needed in the future. (She keeps threatening these lawsuits, I say bring it on.) I am no longer going to continue to waste one more second of my life on this childish crap if I can help it.
So this is my end of the year vent. No more reinforcing what clearly to her is positive attention. To some people even negative attention is positive after all. (this applies to dog behavior as well) Enough is enough and though she may find some fun in it I do not. Nor do I find it productive in any way. If she wants to present herself in that way to the general public she can have at it.
There is a saying that seems to apply here: "There is no sense in fighting with a pig. You both get dirty but the pig likes it."

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