I noticed something recently that I thought it might be useful to point out. Some people talk to much. Now this isn't exactly news. There are all kinds of people on the planet, some talk alot and some rarely speak at all. What I actually mean is that we talk to our dogs to much. Why is that a problem? Well let me tell you.
Talking to a dog while they are learning needs to be done with clear communication in mind. Typically we teach them what we want, either by luring (using a treat to get the dog in a specific position) or operant conditioning, (clicker/verbal marker) and then we put a verbal cue of our choosing to it. However if we are always making noise, then how is our dog supposed to figure out which noise means something important? Dogs mainly communicate with each other with body language remember, so tuning all of our "noise" out is easy for them.
Example: Handler and dog are working on loose leash walking. As the handler walks he is speaking to the dog saying "No don't pull on the leash, lets go over here Fido. Good, nope! Fido come on. Good. No I said let's go here. OK come on. Are you looking at the kitty?" What do you suppose the verbal cue is for this dog? At this point nothing. The dog has no idea what words WE want to be important. How could she? We have had the equivalent of verbal diarrhea. It is like when the grownups speak in the Charlie Brown cartoons. (whaa wha whaa) Can you pick out the important words from that? No because it all sounds the same.
So what we need to do is use only the words we want the dog to respond to. Either we click (then treat) when the dog moves in the right direction with us, or we verbally praise the dog for moving with us the very moment the dog does it. "Yes!" (verbal marker/treat) "Good dog!" That's it. No running commentary. The exception to this would be if a dog becomes afraid of something when on our walk. I might say "Oh its just a silly garbage can!" in a HAPPY tone of voice as we move away from the scary item. Tone of voice is important however and we don't continue talking aside from marking behavior we want (yes!/treat) or using our verbal cues. (let's go, sit, stay, down, etc.) We teach the dog what we want before we attach a verbal cue to the behavior.
For simply walking along with a loose leash I use the verbal cue "Let's go". Come means come to me and sit, not come along with me. "Heel" means to walk in a specific spot with me, not to just walk along with a loose leash. It is important to have different verbal cues so we don't confuse the dog. This is one of the more challenging parts of dog training, training ourselves to have specific terms and words for different behaviors.
When problem solving you need to ask yourself a few questions:
Do I have my dogs attention? If the dog doesn't know you are talking to him/her than the game is already over. This is why focus work is important.
Does my dog know what I am asking for? If they don't know how to sit then asking for it multiple times will not help you accomplish the task.
What is in it for them? Have we established a positive relationship with our dogs and paid them for the work they do? You wouldn't work at your job for free would you? So why should our dogs??
Finding out what motivates your dog is very important to the equation. This is why many times I can get other peoples dogs to work for me when they are having difficulties. I have learned how to get good focus and I pay them for their work. I am also very clear in my communication so the dog isn't confused. To much talking is counter productive to our task. If you want a sit, say it once and then wait. Be sure to PAY them the moment they do what you ask. (more about using food, and other things as pay can be found in this post: http://k-9solutionsdogtraininginc.blogspot.com/2011/05/bribery-in-dog-training.html )
So I hope that helps explain why how much you talk to your dog is important. They aren't trying to ignore you or push your buttons. They just don't always know what it is that you want from them. Good luck and happy training!
الأحد، 29 يناير 2012
الخميس، 26 يناير 2012
Best Simple Dog Training Expert Tips
By nature, your puppy won't need to relieve itself in his/her home & will appreciate having a separate area for that sole purpose. This could possibly the best simple solution for dog training tips the expert ways. When your puppy has structure, he/she will be much happier & healthier. Dog obedience training is another important objective of plenty of pet owners. Puppies are energetic &, if not trained properly at a young age, can grow in to an unruly dog. In order to prevent this from happening, dog obedience training ought to start as early as feasible & may either be completed by you at your home, or by an instructor.
Despite their rambunctious behavior sometimes, puppies are keen to & they desperately need your love & approval. Much like a newborn child, puppies need to be taught right from wrong & they need to learn in a way that involves both patience & understanding. Not only can effective puppy dog training lead to a better relationship between you & your four-legged mate, but it may also save your pet's life day.
One of the most popular types of dog obedience training techniques involves housebreaking, which will teach your pet the difference between his/her home & bathroom & why the distinction is so important.
In plenty of cases, your puppy will reply better to you & your commands because he/she is already familiar with you. Dog care works best when your pet is comfortable. In case you enroll your pet in a dog obedience training class where other animals are present, your puppy may become anxious or disruptive. If feasible, it is a lovely suggestion to be dog training your pet at home by using your own dog training techniques that will give you full control over methods, treatment & effectiveness. When it comes to any type of dog training, your puppy will appreciate the ability to understand your commands.
Dog training techniques need structure. Canines who seldom appear to obey their owners lack both discipline and structure. They may seldom understand the importance of "stay" in the face of approaching traffic or the "off" command to be used to prevent your puppy dog from leaping up on guests in your home. An unruly pet who is lacking in dog training cannot be taken out in public, may seldom enjoy a stroll through the park and may have a hard time at the veterinarian's office. While your pup is young, he/she is small and will be controllable. How to train a dog is someting you must learn in case you need a happy pet. Puppy dog training is something you must always do.
Don't Let Your Puppy Lack in Dog Training!
The actual issues start when a puppy grows up without being involved in dog training, and they don't know how to react to other animals and how to answer your commands. Dog training is most effective when used together with the reward method. This involves giving your puppy a treat when he/she does something on command and ought to be followed by loving strokes and praise.
Your puppy will learn to answer the tone of your voice and he/she will love hearing positive tones because this means that you are pleased. Although they appear to be nothing over a ball of energy sometimes, your puppy is hoping for your approval. Dog obedience training is actually enjoyable for your puppy because of the positive reinforcement. This desire will show through as he/she begins to mature and, with the proper dog training, your puppy will become familiar with what "good dog" means.
Not only that, but he/she will also know how to earn the title. There's plenty of great resources for dog training obtainable on the net, the best dog training programs are in all places! of the best ways to find these resources is by reading independent reviews and comparison rankings. In this way you can be confident your pet is getting best training feasible. So do you think this is the best simple dog training expert tips?
Despite their rambunctious behavior sometimes, puppies are keen to & they desperately need your love & approval. Much like a newborn child, puppies need to be taught right from wrong & they need to learn in a way that involves both patience & understanding. Not only can effective puppy dog training lead to a better relationship between you & your four-legged mate, but it may also save your pet's life day.
One of the most popular types of dog obedience training techniques involves housebreaking, which will teach your pet the difference between his/her home & bathroom & why the distinction is so important.
In plenty of cases, your puppy will reply better to you & your commands because he/she is already familiar with you. Dog care works best when your pet is comfortable. In case you enroll your pet in a dog obedience training class where other animals are present, your puppy may become anxious or disruptive. If feasible, it is a lovely suggestion to be dog training your pet at home by using your own dog training techniques that will give you full control over methods, treatment & effectiveness. When it comes to any type of dog training, your puppy will appreciate the ability to understand your commands.
Dog training techniques need structure. Canines who seldom appear to obey their owners lack both discipline and structure. They may seldom understand the importance of "stay" in the face of approaching traffic or the "off" command to be used to prevent your puppy dog from leaping up on guests in your home. An unruly pet who is lacking in dog training cannot be taken out in public, may seldom enjoy a stroll through the park and may have a hard time at the veterinarian's office. While your pup is young, he/she is small and will be controllable. How to train a dog is someting you must learn in case you need a happy pet. Puppy dog training is something you must always do.
Don't Let Your Puppy Lack in Dog Training!
The actual issues start when a puppy grows up without being involved in dog training, and they don't know how to react to other animals and how to answer your commands. Dog training is most effective when used together with the reward method. This involves giving your puppy a treat when he/she does something on command and ought to be followed by loving strokes and praise.

Not only that, but he/she will also know how to earn the title. There's plenty of great resources for dog training obtainable on the net, the best dog training programs are in all places! of the best ways to find these resources is by reading independent reviews and comparison rankings. In this way you can be confident your pet is getting best training feasible. So do you think this is the best simple dog training expert tips?
الأربعاء، 25 يناير 2012
Wordless Wednesday - Pirate face edition
الاثنين، 23 يناير 2012
Happy Birthday Jenny!!
Today is Jenny's 5th birthday. I only know this because it was on her medical papers when we adopted her from Pug Rescue of New England. She was 18 months old when she came to live with us. I jokingly refer to her as our "gateway pug" since she started a bit of an obsession with the breed for me. My son wanted a pug and wouldn't be swayed to another frenchie no matter how hard we tried. Boy am I glad he stuck to his guns! I can't imagine our life without her. She has been a great partner in training due to her extreme LOVE of food. She has made me have to think harder than ever before in some cases to change some of her behaviors, or polish some of her moves. A perfect dog for a trainer to have! She manages to put up with all my silliness including tolerating all the dogs and puppies I have brought home during the time she has been with us. Here are just a few of my favorite photos of her. I threw in a video of her at the end that makes me laugh every time I watch it.
(and the link in case the video doesn't play through Blogger: http://youtu.be/nwMsLZtGf7A )
Happy Birthday Jenny! Here's to many more years together!!
الأحد، 22 يناير 2012
Are you DINOS friendly?
Do you know what DINOS is? Dinos stands for Dog In Need Of Space. Now a dog can be a DINOS for many reasons. Maybe they are scared of people, or other dogs. Maybe they are aggressive with other dogs because they had a bad experience. Or maybe they have a medical condition that makes it painful for them to be touched. A DINOS dog might need space from other dogs, other animals or even people. It doesn't matter if YOUR dog is friendly and you love dogs. The DINOS dog still doesn't want to be approached by you! So please be respectful and give them their space. Keep your dogs ON leash unless you are in a specific off leash area. Many DINOS can walk politely in public on leash just fine. It is when they are approached that there is a problem. This is also a great example of why you should ask an owner before approaching a dog or letting your dog get to close. They may look friendly because you are not in their space, but that doesn't mean they are if you get closer! Check out the fabulous poster and video about DINOS dogs.
http://youtu.be/BmQW723DBzo (This is the link if the video doesn't embed properly. Blogger is being a pain lately.)
http://youtu.be/BmQW723DBzo (This is the link if the video doesn't embed properly. Blogger is being a pain lately.)
Do you have a DINOS of your own? There is a facebook group just for you!! Here is their website with a link to the fb page: http://notesfromadogwalker.com/
الجمعة، 20 يناير 2012
Best Dog Training Secrets, Try To Proof?
Is this really the best dog training secret? Try it out to find out. Imagine living in a world where your best mate can pick you up by the neck and put you anywhere they desires you. In your world, you cant always sleep on the bed, but are relegated to the floor, which everyone knows isnt as soft as the bed! You may even be asked to spend hours, even days, out in the chilled, rain and snow. Neurosis begins to create, and as the master of a neurotic dog it is your responsibility to effectively teach him, best of luck!
All canines can be trained, the issue with training them is not the dog, it is the master. If your dog is crazy, and his main issue is likely to be you. Canines neurosis may start when they are young when they was first taken from his relatives and given to a massive that they didn't know.
Monty, a 6 month elderly Labrador is taken home to live along with his new relatives, they loves to chew on books. They is showing lots of Dog Behavior Issues. than scold Monty, his master comes to the conclusion that psychology would work better.
They removes the books by putting them on a higher shelf, as Monty grows; the books get put higher and higher. This is where proper Dog Care involving the Best Dog Training programs comes in. At last, Monty stops chewing on books, the dog training has been a success.
First you must keep in mind that if a dog is neurotic, it will be difficult for Dog Training. All they has to do is look around him to recognize that they is the that is necessary to learn anything. It is however believable to train a neurotic dog, here is example of this success. How to train a dog with problems.
Here's another dog obedience story that was solved by using online dog training techniques. Chloe is a two year elderly chocolate lab, much loved by her relatives, and simple for dog training, this is because of the amount of affection they is given by her relatives. You see, Chloe, like any other dog, will do anything to the people they loves. The first off lesson Chloe was given was her housebreaking, they was kept outside the first time they came home until they went to the bathroom. Puppy training always works best when they are young.
When they left home, in the event that they could not take her with them, he was again taken outside to go to the bathroom & as soon as they returned he was again taken outside. This is dog care at its finest. This took a few days, & there were accidents, but he learned, as did her relatives in regards to her dog care. That is what dog training is all about. Teaching her to sit was her second lesson, her owner would sit on the tile & play together with her, teaching her to sit was a combination of holding her dog toy up above her head, at this point he would sit down to keep the toy in sight.
This took plenty of the best dog training efforts of several relatives members but it showed her where he was allowed to go. When he was finally taken in to the house, he was watched closely & whenever he started sniffing around he was taken back outside also. For dog obedience training & housebreaking, at night he was put in a box next to her owners bed, where he was kept when there was no available to watch her. He was taken outside before they went to bed & as soon as they got up in the morning. You require to think like a lovely dog trainer. How to train a dog is hard work & you require to push forward.
He would also tell her to sit while gently pushing on her hind quarters, when he was successful; he was praised & loved on, he learned this briskly . Dog training is rewarding for both you & your dog. Her third lesson was to lie down, her owner would tell her to sit, when he was in the sitting position, he would then tell her to lie down & gently pull her front legs out & push her front finish down. Get the Best Dog Training! So is this really the best dog training secret you've ever known or practiced?
All canines can be trained, the issue with training them is not the dog, it is the master. If your dog is crazy, and his main issue is likely to be you. Canines neurosis may start when they are young when they was first taken from his relatives and given to a massive that they didn't know.
Monty, a 6 month elderly Labrador is taken home to live along with his new relatives, they loves to chew on books. They is showing lots of Dog Behavior Issues. than scold Monty, his master comes to the conclusion that psychology would work better.
They removes the books by putting them on a higher shelf, as Monty grows; the books get put higher and higher. This is where proper Dog Care involving the Best Dog Training programs comes in. At last, Monty stops chewing on books, the dog training has been a success.
First you must keep in mind that if a dog is neurotic, it will be difficult for Dog Training. All they has to do is look around him to recognize that they is the that is necessary to learn anything. It is however believable to train a neurotic dog, here is example of this success. How to train a dog with problems.
Here's another dog obedience story that was solved by using online dog training techniques. Chloe is a two year elderly chocolate lab, much loved by her relatives, and simple for dog training, this is because of the amount of affection they is given by her relatives. You see, Chloe, like any other dog, will do anything to the people they loves. The first off lesson Chloe was given was her housebreaking, they was kept outside the first time they came home until they went to the bathroom. Puppy training always works best when they are young.
When they left home, in the event that they could not take her with them, he was again taken outside to go to the bathroom & as soon as they returned he was again taken outside. This is dog care at its finest. This took a few days, & there were accidents, but he learned, as did her relatives in regards to her dog care. That is what dog training is all about. Teaching her to sit was her second lesson, her owner would sit on the tile & play together with her, teaching her to sit was a combination of holding her dog toy up above her head, at this point he would sit down to keep the toy in sight.

He would also tell her to sit while gently pushing on her hind quarters, when he was successful; he was praised & loved on, he learned this briskly . Dog training is rewarding for both you & your dog. Her third lesson was to lie down, her owner would tell her to sit, when he was in the sitting position, he would then tell her to lie down & gently pull her front legs out & push her front finish down. Get the Best Dog Training! So is this really the best dog training secret you've ever known or practiced?
الأربعاء، 18 يناير 2012
Dog Obedience Training The Key to Raising a Well Behaved Dog
Let's just cut to the case here:
Now that you know a few important tips to help you get started with your dogs, the next step is to help them learn a few basic lessons. These may be basic lessons but they are essential to train dogs.
Training your dogs means that both you and your dog can live happier lives. This is primarily because it is easier to love and care for trained dogs. As the owner, you won’t be in a lot of fuss every time your dog is around because it knows how to behave. Below are some helpful training tips that you can use.
Pre-Training Stage Tips for Your Dog Obedience Training Program:
- Get to know your dog. Dog obedience training can only start if you know your dogs well enough which you can do by spending time with them. You don’t have to be teaching them obedience training for dogs formally just yet. Just play with them, pat them on the head, and even talk to them once in a while. They are bound to pick up a few things especially puppies. They will be learning even if you haven’t started their dog obedience training formally. As their owner, make careful observations when you do all these things. Learn about what your dogs like and doesn’t like in food, people, and in all other things.
- Love your dog. It’s difficult to explain but dogs know if you genuinely love them. To show them how much you love them, make sure to meet their daily needs. Feed them properly, clean after them, take them with you for a walk, bathe them, and bring them to the veterinarian whenever necessary. Make sure you show them how much you care for them and they are sure to return the gesture in ways they can. This is a vital element that must be met before starting your dog obedience training.
- Be firm with your dog whenever giving them a command. Once you know your dogs well enough and you are sure to have established a strong loving bond with them, then it’s time to start your dog obedience training. When doing your training, make sure to be firm with your dogs. The tone of your voice should be serious, consistent and authoritative. Your actions should be precise as the commands you are to deliver. By being firm, you are showing to your dogs that you mean business and that they are expected to follow your commands. By being firm, you are making your authority known as their master which is a good way to start your obedience training for dogs.

Training Stage Lessons for Your Dog Obedience Training Program:
- Teach your dogs to “stay”. Teaching your dog to stay is vital. To do this, simply say the word together with a hand signal. This will prompt your dog on what to follow and when to follow a command. Once you get your dogs to stay where they are, you will know that they are listening to you and they want to learn more and that they are ready to do more dog training.
- Potty train your dogs. Potty training is one of the most important part of training a dog as every dog needs to do its business from time to time. To make sure your dog doesn’t make a mess inside the house, train it to do its business outside of your house. To do this, you can put your dog at a particular place outside your house every after mealtime. It may be at the backyard or at the front yard next to a tree. Do this frequently and soon, your dog will learn to go to that place by itself and do its business there. Once your dog learns this, then it is ready to learn more lessons on obedience training.
- Play fetch with your dogs. Playing fetch with your dog teaches them to retrieve something for you while both of you are having fun. You can use a frisbee, a ball, or a stick which you can throw as far away as you wish. Then, let your dog retrieve it for you. Not only does this teach your dog obedience training but it is also a useful whenever you want your dog to fetch you things like the newspaper. Plus, your dog gets to stretch its legs outdoors which is always good as exercise help keep your dog physically fit and ready to do more obedience training for dogs.
- Teach them to walk with a leash. Teaching your dogs to walk with a leash helps your dogs become great companions whenever you decide to go for a walk. It’s also good for your dogs since it will enable them to exercise their muscles and help for a better digestion. Just remember not to pull too hard and stop walking until your dog stops pulling on the leash. Make sure your dog knows that it has to follow you and not the other way around as this is the true essence of dog obedience training.

You can add more to the list if you want your dog to learn more skills and tricks. You can teach them to lie down, roll over, beg, play dead, or even do really unique difficult tricks such as use the toilet bowl and learn to flush afterwards. However, these four lessons are as basic and as vital as you can get for obedience training for dogs.
Training Stage Tips Training Dogs:

- Learn to read your dog’s body language. Just like humans, dogs have their own body language which they use to communicate. This falls under the category of non-verbal communication which is very essential for your obedience training for dogs. In fact, they communicate with their whole body from their heads to up to their tails.For instance, dogs’ ears can suggest alertness when both go up or forward. It means they heard something and that they are listening. Their sharp sense of hearing makes them a great alternative for security alarms.Their head may also imply if they are either scared or submissive. Be very careful though. A dog may bow its head ready to pounce if it thinks it’s being cornered.They may also use their entire body to tell you how they feel. For example, they may roll on the floor with their belly up and facing you letting you know that you are their boss.These are just a few examples for dogs’ body language you should watch out for when teaching training your dog.
- Learn to understand your dog’s barks and noises. A dog’s bark may mean several different things depending on the situation. It may be their way of greeting you when you arrive home from work or school. It can also mean that they are excited to see something that has captured their interest or it may even serve as a warning that there are strangers near the house. Whichever it is, it is your responsibility as the owner to look into the situation.Other noises that dogs make include whining and growling. Whining is cute but annoying if it gets to be frequent. Puppies usually are the ones that whine a lot which isn’t a very good sign for big dogs when especially when in dog obedience training. Dogs usually whine only when they can’t get something they want. For instance, dogs that can’t reach their food and are starving usually whine. Growling on the other hand is never adorable. It usually means that something is seriously wrong with your dog as this is a sure sign of aggression. A dog growling can mean that it is in a lot of stress or pain. In times like this, be sure to call a professional dog trainer to help you understand and deal with the situation. Growling is clearly not one of the things your dog will learn in its obedience training for dogs.
- Never hit your dog. Never hit them. Hitting dogs can only backfire and you might get bit by them in the process so it is best to avoid it. It is also inhumane and plainly cruel to hit your pet. If you really want them to learn, use positive reinforcement techniques like give them due praise for doing a good job. You may also give them rewards or gifts for doing good. This will help make easier for them to understand what you want them to do and what you do not want them to do. Also, be more patient and consistent with your dog obedience training.

Post Training Stage Tips in Your Dog Obedience Training Program:
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and then you actually can tell you dog to check your emails for you |
- Reward your dog. Finally, never forget to reward your dogs with food or doggie treats for every job well done. This will condition your dogs into thinking that if they do what you ask, they will get something in return. It may also be a way of encouraging your dog to do a better job if you increase the amount of food you will give them. The reward should be food as this seems to be the best motivation for them to follow dog obedience training.
- Repeat the lessons. Always remember that lessons taught will soon be forgotten if it is not repeated several times. This is especially true for dogs. They can easily forget what you have taught them if you do not frequently have them do it over and over again. Repeating the lessons is one great way of ensuring them that your lessons stick to their minds when doing dog obedience training.
Hopefully, these tips and lessons can help you get started with disciplining your dogs. Keep in mind that there are 3 stages to go thru to achieve the best results. These are the pre-training, training and post-training tips, lessons and reminders which will help get you that dog obedience training you are looking for. As a result, it aims to help turn dogs into model dog citizens possessing good manners and proper behavior wherever you take them. With dog obedience training, you are sure to have dogs that are in their best behavior. That's a wrap on dog obedience training tip to raising a well behaved dogs.
الاثنين، 16 يناير 2012
Dog Training: Train A Dog To Stay
Dog Training Step by Step Techniques - Train A Dog To Stay
After you and your dog have mastered the sit and down commands, the logical extension on them is training your dog to stay.
That is why I like to add the stay command, although some dog trainers think it to be an unnecessary additional command. Their theory being that when they request that their dog sits or goes in to the down position, the dog ought to stay in that position until they are told otherwise. When you give it some thought your sit and down commands are not much value if your dog merely gets in to those positions and then bounces back up straight away.
For those of you pick to make use of the stay command - read on.
Milly "Stay" - Nice Girl
Training a dog to stay can be difficult at first. In a way it goes against what your dog is used to (following you around) and also his/her natural instincts (being close to their pack). With this in mind keep the stay command very simple to start with and build on your canines successes slowly.
One time you have trained your dog to hold a reliable stay in any situation you will find it handy on plenty of occasions. It is a great behavior to request when visitors come to your home, in the event you need to duck inside a shop or in the event you have a dog who likes to bolt out the front door.
Right let's start - it is a nice suggestion to first train your dog to stay when he/she is calm and not all hyped up - after a walk is a nice time. Your first training session ought to be in a familiar surroundings to your dog, free from any distractions and ought to only last for a couple of minutes.
Training A Dog To Stay - Step by Step
1. Put your dog in to the position you would like him/her to stay in (use your sit, down or stand commands) and stand directly in front of him. After about one or two seconds, if your dog is still in the position you requested, give him some praise and a treat. You are rewarding the behavior you are looking for which is a stay, even if it is only one seconds worth to start with. As soon as you give your praise and treat, the behavior is over (this is your signal for your dog to release from his stay) so it is fine if your dog moves off.
Then you start the system again from the beginning, this time perhaps hold your praise and treat off for three or four seconds. take it slowly and if your dog breaks out of the stay at any time before you have given him the release command, basically say "aah-aah"! Don't give the treat, but basically start the system again.
2. The next step is to add a verbal command & hand signal to step one. It goes like this - one time again stand directly in front of your dog & place him in the position you would like him to stay in. Now as soon as they is in the desired position say "stay" & simultaneously hold your hand out in front of you, together with your palm facing out towards your dog's nose (like a cease sign motion).
Now after waiting a second or praise & reward your dog for staying in this position (sit-stay or down-stay etc.). As was the case in step one you can now repeat this technique over & over, gradually increasing the time between your "stay" command & your praise & treat. What you are doing is building an association in your dog's mind between your verbal "stay" command & the act of staying in the spot.
3. You have now got the stay command sorted - in it is most basic form anyway.
It is now time to add some other variables & build on it. Plenty of trainers label this proofing stage as the D's - Period, Distance & Distractions. Up until now (in steps one & two) you have been working in a familiar surroundings free from distractions & you have been standing right in front of your dog. Let's mix it up a small, adding new variable at a time.
The next challenge you can add to the stay command is to move your training session to a different location, possibly somewhere with a few distractions such as other people or animals. Keep in mind take it slowly & only add new variable at a time. Another lovely idea is to practice your stays anytime throughout the day. For example make your dog "stay" when you go out to collect the mail or "stay" when you are preparing his dinner.
Start out by issuing your "stay" command together with your hand signal, now take a step backwards, pause, then step back towards your dog. If your dog has remained in his sit-stay or down-stay, praise him & give him a tasty treat. Continue to repeat this technique, gradually increasing the amount of steps you take back - always keep in mind to return back to your dog before you reward him. Keep in mind what it is you are actually rewarding him for (the stay) & if they gets up to move away they should not be receiving a reward or treat.
Here's another lovely article which shows you how to shape a reliable stay behavior - Stay command using clicker training methods
A game you can play together with your dog to reinforce the "stay" command is hide & seek. This game is heaps of fun & all you do is place your dog in a down-stay then run off & hide. When you are prepared, sing out your release command & your dog will set off to track you down.
Note: When training a dog to stay do not keep your dog in a sit-stay for over two or three minutes. In the event you need your dog to stay for longer periods use the down-stay. This could be simple but it is considered the best dog training method as it comes to train a dog to stay.
After you and your dog have mastered the sit and down commands, the logical extension on them is training your dog to stay.
That is why I like to add the stay command, although some dog trainers think it to be an unnecessary additional command. Their theory being that when they request that their dog sits or goes in to the down position, the dog ought to stay in that position until they are told otherwise. When you give it some thought your sit and down commands are not much value if your dog merely gets in to those positions and then bounces back up straight away.
For those of you pick to make use of the stay command - read on.
Milly "Stay" - Nice Girl

One time you have trained your dog to hold a reliable stay in any situation you will find it handy on plenty of occasions. It is a great behavior to request when visitors come to your home, in the event you need to duck inside a shop or in the event you have a dog who likes to bolt out the front door.
Right let's start - it is a nice suggestion to first train your dog to stay when he/she is calm and not all hyped up - after a walk is a nice time. Your first training session ought to be in a familiar surroundings to your dog, free from any distractions and ought to only last for a couple of minutes.
Training A Dog To Stay - Step by Step
1. Put your dog in to the position you would like him/her to stay in (use your sit, down or stand commands) and stand directly in front of him. After about one or two seconds, if your dog is still in the position you requested, give him some praise and a treat. You are rewarding the behavior you are looking for which is a stay, even if it is only one seconds worth to start with. As soon as you give your praise and treat, the behavior is over (this is your signal for your dog to release from his stay) so it is fine if your dog moves off.

2. The next step is to add a verbal command & hand signal to step one. It goes like this - one time again stand directly in front of your dog & place him in the position you would like him to stay in. Now as soon as they is in the desired position say "stay" & simultaneously hold your hand out in front of you, together with your palm facing out towards your dog's nose (like a cease sign motion).
Now after waiting a second or praise & reward your dog for staying in this position (sit-stay or down-stay etc.). As was the case in step one you can now repeat this technique over & over, gradually increasing the time between your "stay" command & your praise & treat. What you are doing is building an association in your dog's mind between your verbal "stay" command & the act of staying in the spot.
3. You have now got the stay command sorted - in it is most basic form anyway.

The next challenge you can add to the stay command is to move your training session to a different location, possibly somewhere with a few distractions such as other people or animals. Keep in mind take it slowly & only add new variable at a time. Another lovely idea is to practice your stays anytime throughout the day. For example make your dog "stay" when you go out to collect the mail or "stay" when you are preparing his dinner.
Start out by issuing your "stay" command together with your hand signal, now take a step backwards, pause, then step back towards your dog. If your dog has remained in his sit-stay or down-stay, praise him & give him a tasty treat. Continue to repeat this technique, gradually increasing the amount of steps you take back - always keep in mind to return back to your dog before you reward him. Keep in mind what it is you are actually rewarding him for (the stay) & if they gets up to move away they should not be receiving a reward or treat.
Here's another lovely article which shows you how to shape a reliable stay behavior - Stay command using clicker training methods
A game you can play together with your dog to reinforce the "stay" command is hide & seek. This game is heaps of fun & all you do is place your dog in a down-stay then run off & hide. When you are prepared, sing out your release command & your dog will set off to track you down.
Note: When training a dog to stay do not keep your dog in a sit-stay for over two or three minutes. In the event you need your dog to stay for longer periods use the down-stay. This could be simple but it is considered the best dog training method as it comes to train a dog to stay.
السبت، 14 يناير 2012
Reality TV, Animal Style
Today I got caught up on some shows I had taped for later. The first is a show on Animal Planet called "American Stuffers".
American Stuffers is a reality show that takes place in a taxidermy shop. The catch? They also specialize in "Pet Preservation". Here is the info from their Animal Planet site: http://animal.discovery.com/tv/american-stuffers/
I have to admit on first glance I was kind of horrified. The pet preservation is accomplished through a process of freeze drying. Traditional taxidermy is when the hide of the animal is treated and put over a pre-made form of the animal in question. Think styrofoam shape wearing the animals skin. You can't buy forms for pets as there is to much variety of body shapes involved. I am familiar with taxidermy because my husband co-owns a game processing shop. This means during hunting season he cuts up deer, moose and bear for hunters. Hides and heads sometimes get sent to be mounted. We also have a few trophies on our own wall. (I long for the day we have a house with a den they can go into.) I have even watched a step by step video on how taxidermy is done. So I admit I am not the average viewer for this show.
I watched the first 2 episodes. Aside from the owner (Daniel) and his staff, (Fred and Joseph ) they also have an intern that is studying to be a veterinarian. (Dixie) I am impressed with the owners demeanor at handling the pets and their owners. He is very respectful and caring about his job. I am surprised at how much they do show of the actual process. (Which might be to graphic for some viewers considering the subject.) They also show Daniel with his family and their home life which seems very normal and sweet. His wife LaDawn is a teacher and they met as high school sweethearts. Aside from the pet preservation they also show other taxidermy projects on the program.
I will say that I can't imagine that I would never have my pet preserved in this way. If I did I certainly wouldn't chose any other pose than curled up and asleep. Some of the poses just look to creepy for my taste. However on further consideration I suppose grief is different for everyone. If someone needs to have the pet in a more physical form for them to keep then what harm is there? I do wonder if having the pet present like that might make it harder for the owner to move on tho. And is it disrespectful to the pet do you think? To keep the shell of who they were around as a keepsake? In that same vein wouldn't keeping the ashes then also be disrespectful?
There are dead things everywhere in homes we don't think of as weird. Deer heads, moose heads, deer leg lamps, antler chandeliers, dried starfish, sand dollars and other various sea creatures used as decorations. However we never knew those animals on a personal level so I guess that is what makes it different. (tho when I see a starfish I see a dead creature which I don't think many people do)
I find the show engaging in a way I didn't expect and I will probably watch more. My biggest complaint is the name of the show. They seriously couldn't come up with a better name? "American Stuffers" just seems , well tacky. What would you call it?
The other show I watched is "My cat from Hell".
Here is the website info here: http://animal.discovery.com/tv/my-cat-from-hell/
This show is much more viewer friendly. It is a reality show about a cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy as he helps clients with aggressive cats. I LOVE this show! Not only do the cats get the help they need to keep them in their home, he explains what he is doing and why. This show is a great resource for all cat owners, not just ones with problems. The key to solving behavior problems is to know about the behavior of the species in question first. Environment is also critical to solving some issues. I watched this last season as well. I think all cat owners should watch it.
What animal shows do you watch and recommend, or dislike, and why?
American Stuffers is a reality show that takes place in a taxidermy shop. The catch? They also specialize in "Pet Preservation". Here is the info from their Animal Planet site: http://animal.discovery.com/tv/american-stuffers/
I have to admit on first glance I was kind of horrified. The pet preservation is accomplished through a process of freeze drying. Traditional taxidermy is when the hide of the animal is treated and put over a pre-made form of the animal in question. Think styrofoam shape wearing the animals skin. You can't buy forms for pets as there is to much variety of body shapes involved. I am familiar with taxidermy because my husband co-owns a game processing shop. This means during hunting season he cuts up deer, moose and bear for hunters. Hides and heads sometimes get sent to be mounted. We also have a few trophies on our own wall. (I long for the day we have a house with a den they can go into.) I have even watched a step by step video on how taxidermy is done. So I admit I am not the average viewer for this show.
I watched the first 2 episodes. Aside from the owner (Daniel) and his staff, (Fred and Joseph ) they also have an intern that is studying to be a veterinarian. (Dixie) I am impressed with the owners demeanor at handling the pets and their owners. He is very respectful and caring about his job. I am surprised at how much they do show of the actual process. (Which might be to graphic for some viewers considering the subject.) They also show Daniel with his family and their home life which seems very normal and sweet. His wife LaDawn is a teacher and they met as high school sweethearts. Aside from the pet preservation they also show other taxidermy projects on the program.
I will say that I can't imagine that I would never have my pet preserved in this way. If I did I certainly wouldn't chose any other pose than curled up and asleep. Some of the poses just look to creepy for my taste. However on further consideration I suppose grief is different for everyone. If someone needs to have the pet in a more physical form for them to keep then what harm is there? I do wonder if having the pet present like that might make it harder for the owner to move on tho. And is it disrespectful to the pet do you think? To keep the shell of who they were around as a keepsake? In that same vein wouldn't keeping the ashes then also be disrespectful?
There are dead things everywhere in homes we don't think of as weird. Deer heads, moose heads, deer leg lamps, antler chandeliers, dried starfish, sand dollars and other various sea creatures used as decorations. However we never knew those animals on a personal level so I guess that is what makes it different. (tho when I see a starfish I see a dead creature which I don't think many people do)
I find the show engaging in a way I didn't expect and I will probably watch more. My biggest complaint is the name of the show. They seriously couldn't come up with a better name? "American Stuffers" just seems , well tacky. What would you call it?
The other show I watched is "My cat from Hell".
Here is the website info here: http://animal.discovery.com/tv/my-cat-from-hell/
This show is much more viewer friendly. It is a reality show about a cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy as he helps clients with aggressive cats. I LOVE this show! Not only do the cats get the help they need to keep them in their home, he explains what he is doing and why. This show is a great resource for all cat owners, not just ones with problems. The key to solving behavior problems is to know about the behavior of the species in question first. Environment is also critical to solving some issues. I watched this last season as well. I think all cat owners should watch it.
What animal shows do you watch and recommend, or dislike, and why?
الخميس، 12 يناير 2012
Top 15 Dog Training Tips For a Long-Lasting Friendship
This is it! The top 15 dog training tips for the ever wanted long-lasting friendship with your dogs. Every relatives ought to have a dog, and each dog ought to have a relatives but, because the relationship between a dog and his master involves compromise, training becomes a priority - and the following 15 dog training tips ought to show very useful in this regard:
15 Dog Training Rules - The Grounds of a Long Lasting Friendship
A well-trained dog leads a happier and healthier life both for its owner and for itself. Dog Training can cover a range of things, from training of basic obedience, house and toilet training, and more advanced training techniques - these are all essential when raising a dog.
1. Canines only recognize master, so one time you assume such an important role, make positive you live up to your obligations regarding both your dog's needs and training. You ought to be the who gives him orders, feeds him and cleans after him.
2. like people, canines need stability, so one time you bring home, set up designated spaced for him where he can sleep, eat, play or toilet.
Actual Training
3. Make up a every day schedule (feeding, playing, training) and stick to it. System is a dog trainer's best mate.
4. Teach your dog the meaning of "good" and "bad". It is probably the most important of these dog training rules, as it is going to affect the whole system. You can do it by associating the words together with his actions. Praise him every time he does something lovely and admonish him when he does not obey, using the same words every time. After some time, he will be able to make the difference.
5. Make positive training instruments are used for their original purpose only. In the event you use them for punishments, your dog will fear them, and in the event you play with them, he won't take training seriously.
6. Take your dog out to the park, to places where he can be surrounded by other canines and animals. It will help him socialize and you will avoid disagreeable surprises.
Dog Psychology
7. Try to keep away from strong emotions or conflicts. Canines are bad at controlling their reactions, so in the event that they are excited, they might toilet in the wrong places, while in the event that they are angry, they might bite the wrong hand.
8. Do not punish your dog with no reason, when you are angry or stressed. They might associate your state with pain and even try to defend himself.
9. Always keep in mind that training takes time and each dog is different. Whether you follow these 15 dog training tips or 50, patience ought to be a constant ingredient. Results don't come overnight.
10. Make your training simple and progressive. Start with toilet training and simple commands like "sit", and continue gradually until your dog reaches its maximum potential.
11. Plan your training according to your dog's capacity. Exercises involving strength and resistance ought to only start after the age of six months.
12. While training, take regular breaks for rest and playing. Keep in mind that, like kids in school, canines in training need breaks to concentrate better and learn faster.
13. If your dog refuses to obey your commands, do not insist. Keep in mind: sometimes, canines are like kids: you cannot get them to listen. It does not mean they are slow or deaf, that they don't feel like being told what to do.
14. Maintain equilibrium between what you ask your dog to do and what you give in return. Reward his successes and be kind to him, but do not spoil him.
15. Keep in mind that these 15 rules are guidelines you can use to generate your own. Canines and masters are never similar, so you need to discover what works for you and your dog and apply it.
It is excellent that you show interest in your dog's schooling, but keep in mind that no matter method of training you follow, results can only be obtained in the event you gain your dog's confidence and get to know him, keep doing it to achieve the top 15 dog training tips for a long-lasting friendship with your dogs ^_^
15 Dog Training Rules - The Grounds of a Long Lasting Friendship
A well-trained dog leads a happier and healthier life both for its owner and for itself. Dog Training can cover a range of things, from training of basic obedience, house and toilet training, and more advanced training techniques - these are all essential when raising a dog.
1. Canines only recognize master, so one time you assume such an important role, make positive you live up to your obligations regarding both your dog's needs and training. You ought to be the who gives him orders, feeds him and cleans after him.

Actual Training
3. Make up a every day schedule (feeding, playing, training) and stick to it. System is a dog trainer's best mate.
4. Teach your dog the meaning of "good" and "bad". It is probably the most important of these dog training rules, as it is going to affect the whole system. You can do it by associating the words together with his actions. Praise him every time he does something lovely and admonish him when he does not obey, using the same words every time. After some time, he will be able to make the difference.

6. Take your dog out to the park, to places where he can be surrounded by other canines and animals. It will help him socialize and you will avoid disagreeable surprises.
Dog Psychology
7. Try to keep away from strong emotions or conflicts. Canines are bad at controlling their reactions, so in the event that they are excited, they might toilet in the wrong places, while in the event that they are angry, they might bite the wrong hand.
8. Do not punish your dog with no reason, when you are angry or stressed. They might associate your state with pain and even try to defend himself.
9. Always keep in mind that training takes time and each dog is different. Whether you follow these 15 dog training tips or 50, patience ought to be a constant ingredient. Results don't come overnight.
10. Make your training simple and progressive. Start with toilet training and simple commands like "sit", and continue gradually until your dog reaches its maximum potential.
11. Plan your training according to your dog's capacity. Exercises involving strength and resistance ought to only start after the age of six months.
12. While training, take regular breaks for rest and playing. Keep in mind that, like kids in school, canines in training need breaks to concentrate better and learn faster.
13. If your dog refuses to obey your commands, do not insist. Keep in mind: sometimes, canines are like kids: you cannot get them to listen. It does not mean they are slow or deaf, that they don't feel like being told what to do.
14. Maintain equilibrium between what you ask your dog to do and what you give in return. Reward his successes and be kind to him, but do not spoil him.
15. Keep in mind that these 15 rules are guidelines you can use to generate your own. Canines and masters are never similar, so you need to discover what works for you and your dog and apply it.
It is excellent that you show interest in your dog's schooling, but keep in mind that no matter method of training you follow, results can only be obtained in the event you gain your dog's confidence and get to know him, keep doing it to achieve the top 15 dog training tips for a long-lasting friendship with your dogs ^_^
الثلاثاء، 10 يناير 2012
Smart Toys, Or Not-So-Smart?
Have you seen or heard of these things?
They're called "puzzle" dog toys, or "interactive" dog toys, or "smart" dog toys. The idea is you put treats in little hidden areas that the dog can only access by pawing, nosing, or nudging a flap or handle in just the right way. The idea is to keep them entertained, busy, and mentally stimulated while at home, even when you're gone.
Lots of "bad" doggie behavior is the result of lack of mental stimulation, so I like the idea behind these things. They are undeniably both mentally and physically challenging, tiring and eventually fulfilling. But something has always worried me about them, and I finally decided to get clear about exactly what it is.

These puzzle toys seem to me to foster the exact opposite of predictive behavior! The dog is encouraged to bat and nose the thing about in as many ways as he can, until the treat suddenly pops out. To me this has always seemed just a tiny bit cruel: the dog knows the treat is in there, and digs and paws at it in frustration, until finally for some unknown reason at a random time, he's rewarded - for what? For becoming and acting frustrated! It is law #1 of dog behavior modification, if not behavior modification in general, that behaviors and mental states that are rewarded will be reinforced.
So what positive alternatives can I recommend, that avoid what I see as the problem with these "smart" toys?
![]() |
I prefer soft filling. |
I'm also a big fan of natural rawhides, compressed rawhide, and other chew-treats like Bully Sticks, Texas Toothpicks, and the new rage natural deer antlers (they're softer than bone but tougher than rawhide). As I've explained in detail before [see my post "The Great Rawhide Debate"], you have to use care when giving your dog anything that can cause esophageal or intestinal blockage. But if you supervise, experiment, and get to know your dog's chewing tendencies and needs, rawhides and the like provide extended physical and mental stimulation while alleviating out your dog's natural urge to chew things up (thus saving your fancy leather shoes).
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Deer Antlers |
In the great scheme of things, there are lots of worse things in the world than people giving their dogs any kind of toy or treat, much less one that's designed to be mentally stimulating. So I certainly don't have a major beef here. But I've never seen this point discussed or even mentioned, that there could be non-ideal side-effects of these toys.
If you disagree or think I'm missing the point, let me know - tell me why I'm wrong! In the meantime I'm off to shake the fridge till something falls out.
الاثنين، 9 يناير 2012
Choosing a Puppy Dog - Training Tips
This is how to Choosing A Puppy Dog as of by the Dog Training tips program ^_^
That is great, but you have still got some important decisions to get right before you choose your new housemate.
So you are prepared to make the leap, you have decided to bring a tiny puppy in to your life.
It is very tempting to basically select any of the lovable tiny pups that bound up to you as you visit your puppy breeder. But take your time, do some research & look a tiny deeper. Choosing a puppy is an important long term decision, why not do everything you can to get it right?
The 8 week mark is the ideal time to choose your puppy up from the breeder. Before this time your puppy needs to be with his/her sister & siblings for his development & socialization.
Mate For Life
General Considerations When Choosing A Puppy
Choosing a well respected & reputable puppy breeder is a critical step towards purchasing a great lifelong companion. Lovely breeders breed brilliant, hardy specimens of their selected breed & will never intentionally sell you a poor specimen.
Check drive some adult canines of the breed you have decided on. Talk to numerous owners & breeders at dog shows & local dog obedience training schools. Spend some time with the canines & ask questions to the dog handlers. You'll gain plenty of useful, first hand knowledge of the breed by doing this.
Put a phone call through to your local Veterinarian to find out in the event that they have any thoughts about the breed, or know of any issues you ought to look out for.
When you have identified a few breeders & are prepared to check out a litter of puppies get somebody experienced to go with you for guidance. Why not utilize somebody else's experience & expertise in this important choice method?
Do some research to choose if there's any breed specific illnesses you require to be aware of. Positive breeds are liable to various genetic physical & mental issues such as cleft palate, blindness, deafness & hip dysplasia.
Chatting with or more dog obedience training instructors can give you a valuable insight in to very any dog breed. These people are usually a goldmine of unbiased knowledge - you have got to coax it out of them!
A Nice Breeder Makes Choosing A Puppy Simple
How To Find A Nice Puppy Breeder
A nice place to locate a nice breeder is by contacting your local Kennel Club or Association (Labrador Association of... Beagle Association of...).
Overall appearance and cleanliness of the property/kennel is an obvious giveaway when visiting breeders. If the breeder cannot get this basic necessity right, basically turn around and continue your search elsewhere.
Are the breeder's older canines healthy, well behaved and friendly? One time again this is a giveaway in to the type of people you are dealing with.
Is there a waiting list to buy puppies from this breeder? Nice breeders are always popular and it is a nice sign if people are prepared to wait in line for their puppies.
Are the pups raised inside with plenty of human interaction from the start? Your breeder performs the all important role of beginning the puppy socialization method, house training and some basic obedience training, all well before it is possible for you to to take the puppy home.
Have a nice look at the brother (dam) and brother (if feasible) of the puppies before you pick out. Check the parents over and ask questions to the breeder, they should not have anything to hide. If feasible even look at the grandparents of the puppies. The pedigree of your puppy will offer you the best insight in to what your puppy will grow to be.
Ask how often the puppies are handled and also how plenty of strangers they have been exposed to. The more people they meet early on the better. The pups ought to even be comfortable with being handled by people of all shapes and sizes.
Ask all kinds of questions - don't hold back. A nice breeder will be happy for you to ask anything. Ask about the puppies food requirements, where they are at in the socialization method and anything else you can think of.
Will the breeder let you return the pup if for any reason it doesn't work out?
In the event you are still a tiny undecided or tossing up between a couple of different breeders you may pick to speak to some earlier clients of the breeder. Put in a fast phone call to select their satisfaction with the breeder. Nice puppy breeders have nothing to hide and won't mind in the event you ask for a few references.
Put your trust in a nice breeder when choosing a dog, they will have your best interests at heart. Listen and take on board their advice and recommendations.
Make sure the breeder will offer you basic instructions regarding your puppy. Things like health care advice (vaccinations, worming), feeding schedule knowledge and also ongoing support ought to be offered.
Also puppy registration papers ought to be provided outlining the pedigree, whelping date, vaccination record and other details of your puppy.
Enquire about the reason for this litter of puppies, was it planned? Have this pair been mated historically?
At first, observe the litter without disturbing them. Look out for things like how the pups interact with each other. An active, playful pup is desirable, but not that is dominant or overbearing with his/her litter-mates.
Do a general visual health check of each puppy. They ought to be lovely & round - not fat, & definitely not skinny. Even Greyhounds & Whippets are round tiny beasts until they are about months of age.
Look for a confident tiny pup who struts up to you & your relatives with head held high & tail wagging with excitement. A tiny bit of a cheeky lick on the hand is also ok.
Have a close look at the pups eyes, ears, gums, teeth & rear finish. You require to see bright eyes, a shiny & neat coat, & no sign of any discharge or debris.
Choosing Your Puppy - The Choice Method
Be cautious of a shy & fearful pup when choosing a puppy. Pups at the 7-8 week stage should not show any sign of these undesirable traits.
Lots of people finish up selecting a puppy such as this because they feel sorry for them. Don't fall in to this trap - it is not a valid reason for picking out a puppy!. It is no lovely for someone & you will most likely regret your decision for lots of years to come.
When you have identified or puppies that you like the look of, conduct a tiny bit of a hearing check. With the puppy facing the other way or possibly playing with another member of your relatives drop a set of keys on the ground or stamp your feet.
The puppy ought to react immediately, even be a tiny startled by the noise & then ideally he/she will come over to inquire in to the commotion. It is hard to pick a deaf puppy out of a litter, if the pups are all together in the same pen.
It's important that the puppy you finish up choosing has energy levels which are compatible with you and your family's lifestyle. These energy levels will vary a great deal even in the litter. After spending some time with the puppies you can make a judgment yourself, or the breeder will give you some insight.
Pick the puppy up, hug him and cradle him. This is a small bit of a check, if they reacts by squealing and wriggling and doesn't settle down, this is not a nice sign. You may experience issues with a puppy such as this. A small struggle is ok, followed by quickly settling down and peering back up at you.
Touch the puppies all over their bodies including paws, mouth and ears to monitor the reaction. A puppy who has been handled from an early age won't have any issue with you doing this.
Plenty of pure bred canines have breed specific illnesses which may cause issues. Check the puppies parents and even grandparents for any sign of breed specific issues. Also check if the pups have been screened for them (if appropriate). This step can save you a whole lot of heartache in the future.
Plenty of larger breeds such as French Shepherds, Labradors and Rottweilers can suffer from hip dysplasia. Check out the relatives history in the event you are looking for a puppy susceptible to hip dysplasia.
Check the Vet records of your puppy including vaccination and worming record.
One time you have made the huge decision and have your heart set on a puppy it is advisable to have your Veterinarian do a thorough examination of the pup.
Choosing a puppy is an important step towards ensuring you finish up with a healthy, well adjusted and happy long term companion.
One time you bring your puppy home it is then your responsibility to provide proper socialization and obedience training. This will shape the temperament and behavior habits of your puppy and set him up to prosper in society. The true ways of choosing a puppy dog is always the matter of dog training tips that you've learn before you pick any puppy ^_^
That is great, but you have still got some important decisions to get right before you choose your new housemate.
So you are prepared to make the leap, you have decided to bring a tiny puppy in to your life.
It is very tempting to basically select any of the lovable tiny pups that bound up to you as you visit your puppy breeder. But take your time, do some research & look a tiny deeper. Choosing a puppy is an important long term decision, why not do everything you can to get it right?
The 8 week mark is the ideal time to choose your puppy up from the breeder. Before this time your puppy needs to be with his/her sister & siblings for his development & socialization.
Mate For Life
General Considerations When Choosing A Puppy
Choosing a well respected & reputable puppy breeder is a critical step towards purchasing a great lifelong companion. Lovely breeders breed brilliant, hardy specimens of their selected breed & will never intentionally sell you a poor specimen.
Check drive some adult canines of the breed you have decided on. Talk to numerous owners & breeders at dog shows & local dog obedience training schools. Spend some time with the canines & ask questions to the dog handlers. You'll gain plenty of useful, first hand knowledge of the breed by doing this.

When you have identified a few breeders & are prepared to check out a litter of puppies get somebody experienced to go with you for guidance. Why not utilize somebody else's experience & expertise in this important choice method?
Do some research to choose if there's any breed specific illnesses you require to be aware of. Positive breeds are liable to various genetic physical & mental issues such as cleft palate, blindness, deafness & hip dysplasia.
Chatting with or more dog obedience training instructors can give you a valuable insight in to very any dog breed. These people are usually a goldmine of unbiased knowledge - you have got to coax it out of them!
A Nice Breeder Makes Choosing A Puppy Simple
How To Find A Nice Puppy Breeder
A nice place to locate a nice breeder is by contacting your local Kennel Club or Association (Labrador Association of... Beagle Association of...).
Overall appearance and cleanliness of the property/kennel is an obvious giveaway when visiting breeders. If the breeder cannot get this basic necessity right, basically turn around and continue your search elsewhere.
Are the breeder's older canines healthy, well behaved and friendly? One time again this is a giveaway in to the type of people you are dealing with.
Is there a waiting list to buy puppies from this breeder? Nice breeders are always popular and it is a nice sign if people are prepared to wait in line for their puppies.

Have a nice look at the brother (dam) and brother (if feasible) of the puppies before you pick out. Check the parents over and ask questions to the breeder, they should not have anything to hide. If feasible even look at the grandparents of the puppies. The pedigree of your puppy will offer you the best insight in to what your puppy will grow to be.
Ask how often the puppies are handled and also how plenty of strangers they have been exposed to. The more people they meet early on the better. The pups ought to even be comfortable with being handled by people of all shapes and sizes.
Ask all kinds of questions - don't hold back. A nice breeder will be happy for you to ask anything. Ask about the puppies food requirements, where they are at in the socialization method and anything else you can think of.
Will the breeder let you return the pup if for any reason it doesn't work out?
In the event you are still a tiny undecided or tossing up between a couple of different breeders you may pick to speak to some earlier clients of the breeder. Put in a fast phone call to select their satisfaction with the breeder. Nice puppy breeders have nothing to hide and won't mind in the event you ask for a few references.
Put your trust in a nice breeder when choosing a dog, they will have your best interests at heart. Listen and take on board their advice and recommendations.
Make sure the breeder will offer you basic instructions regarding your puppy. Things like health care advice (vaccinations, worming), feeding schedule knowledge and also ongoing support ought to be offered.
Also puppy registration papers ought to be provided outlining the pedigree, whelping date, vaccination record and other details of your puppy.
Enquire about the reason for this litter of puppies, was it planned? Have this pair been mated historically?

Do a general visual health check of each puppy. They ought to be lovely & round - not fat, & definitely not skinny. Even Greyhounds & Whippets are round tiny beasts until they are about months of age.
Look for a confident tiny pup who struts up to you & your relatives with head held high & tail wagging with excitement. A tiny bit of a cheeky lick on the hand is also ok.
Have a close look at the pups eyes, ears, gums, teeth & rear finish. You require to see bright eyes, a shiny & neat coat, & no sign of any discharge or debris.
Choosing Your Puppy - The Choice Method

Lots of people finish up selecting a puppy such as this because they feel sorry for them. Don't fall in to this trap - it is not a valid reason for picking out a puppy!. It is no lovely for someone & you will most likely regret your decision for lots of years to come.
When you have identified or puppies that you like the look of, conduct a tiny bit of a hearing check. With the puppy facing the other way or possibly playing with another member of your relatives drop a set of keys on the ground or stamp your feet.
The puppy ought to react immediately, even be a tiny startled by the noise & then ideally he/she will come over to inquire in to the commotion. It is hard to pick a deaf puppy out of a litter, if the pups are all together in the same pen.
It's important that the puppy you finish up choosing has energy levels which are compatible with you and your family's lifestyle. These energy levels will vary a great deal even in the litter. After spending some time with the puppies you can make a judgment yourself, or the breeder will give you some insight.
Pick the puppy up, hug him and cradle him. This is a small bit of a check, if they reacts by squealing and wriggling and doesn't settle down, this is not a nice sign. You may experience issues with a puppy such as this. A small struggle is ok, followed by quickly settling down and peering back up at you.
Touch the puppies all over their bodies including paws, mouth and ears to monitor the reaction. A puppy who has been handled from an early age won't have any issue with you doing this.
Plenty of pure bred canines have breed specific illnesses which may cause issues. Check the puppies parents and even grandparents for any sign of breed specific issues. Also check if the pups have been screened for them (if appropriate). This step can save you a whole lot of heartache in the future.
Plenty of larger breeds such as French Shepherds, Labradors and Rottweilers can suffer from hip dysplasia. Check out the relatives history in the event you are looking for a puppy susceptible to hip dysplasia.
Check the Vet records of your puppy including vaccination and worming record.
One time you have made the huge decision and have your heart set on a puppy it is advisable to have your Veterinarian do a thorough examination of the pup.
Choosing a puppy is an important step towards ensuring you finish up with a healthy, well adjusted and happy long term companion.
One time you bring your puppy home it is then your responsibility to provide proper socialization and obedience training. This will shape the temperament and behavior habits of your puppy and set him up to prosper in society. The true ways of choosing a puppy dog is always the matter of dog training tips that you've learn before you pick any puppy ^_^
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