One of the biggest challenges a dog owner faces is housebreaking a new puppy. While you might think that housebreaking a puppy is nothing more than potty training a dog, it is actually so much more than that. Housebreaking actually entails not only potty training a dog, but also teaching your dog all the rules of the house, what is acceptable dog behavior, and what is unacceptable dog behavior.
While dog training can be a challenge for a novice, it is actually pretty easy if you have a plan and do a little research first. Fortunately, dogs want to please their owners, so what you are really doing is teaching your dog how to please you. It's that simple.
The best Puppy training methods use positive reinforcement to housebreak a puppy and train a dog. Gone are the days of shock collars and other medieval methods. Once again, your sole purpose here is to show your dog what pleases you. Dogs are quick learners, especially when the subject is something they are interested in...and pleasing you is definitely a subject they are interested in.
Three Common Dog Training Mistakes-And How To Avoid Them!
Dog training and Housebreaking a puppy is all about positive reinforcement and getting your dog to want to do the right thing. It takes time and patience, and it IS an exact science. If you need more information on dog training and performing dog obedience training correctly, visit This Dog Training Website.